
This page contains information on how the PM² Foundation exam is set up and audited. If you are looking for more information about the exam details, click the link below. 


Table of Contents

The PM² Foundation exam is available in multiple languages.

Exam quality management

Van Haren Learning Solutions has created a certification program based on the internal certification guidelines of the European Commission with the same certification levels for theoretical and practical knowledge. The Certification Council of the PM² GROUP supports and audits this certification program. 

CertN.global, an independent exam institute, manages the PM² foundation exams according to the European Commission’s guidelines and guarantees a fair and efficient exam process for all candidates.

This collaborative triangle, The PM² GROUP, Van Haren Learning Solutions, and certN.global guarantees the quality of the PM² Foundation exam. 

Exam specifics



The number of questions is the number of questions the candidate will have to answer during the exam. The subjects relating to these questions are thoroughly defined in the Exam Requirements and Specifications.




The certification syllabus will give required passing marks as a percentage. For example, if the percentage is 70% of 100 questions, a minimum of 70 questions need to be answered correctly.

If you fail the exam due to not having a sufficient number of questions correct, you will fail to achieve the minimum passing rate. As a result, the final certification will not be achieved.



Candidates will be informed ahead of time about the time allotment given for an exam. The time is the duration the candidates have to answer the total number of questions during the exam.



In case of an open book exam, the candidate will be provided with a digital file of the book during the exam. If it is a closed book exam, you will not be allowed to use (or have) the book or any other kind of publication with you during the exam.




A candidate gets one single trial per exam order (voucher), meaning you get one chance per exam to pass. If you fail to pass an exam, a new one must be ordered and taken.

Only when stated that two attempts are possible may the candidate retake the exam without ordering a new one.



Different questions might be used during the exam to test the learners’ knowledge of a subject. Please refer to the latest version of the exam syllabus for an overview of the question formats used in this exam.




Fraud and plagiarism

The exam or test aims to measure the level of knowledge and understanding of the candidate. Fraud and plagiarism are acts that prevent accurate and trustworthy measurement of the knowledge and understanding level. Below is a list of actions that are seen as acts of fraud. Acting out according to these activities will be seen as fraud and have consequences.

  1. Respecting IP and Copyright
    It is strictly forbidden to violate IP and Copyright, such as copying or sharing exam questions and answers.
  2. Cheating during the test
    The person who is cheating, or is offering the opportunity to cheat, will be considered an accessory to fraud.
  3. Possession of tools and resources during tests
    Having tools that can unfairly benefit a candidate, such as a pre-programmed calculator, websites, mobile phones, books (PDF or hardcopy), course readers, notes, etc. (excluding what is specifically allowed) is not permitted.
  4. Identity fraud
    Having other people assume your identity, or allowing them to take the exam on your behalf,  is considered identity fraud. In this case, both persons will be considered to have committed an act of fraud. If an educator violates or facilitates this action in any way, they will immediately be disqualified from the certification process.
  5. Gaining access to questions or answers
    Gaining access to questions or answers prior to the date or time of the exam before the examination takes place will be considered fraud. (Exception: questions from the practise exam are allowed).
  6. Any other conduct an individual learner displays with which they (partially) inhibit or attempt to inhibit a correct judgment of their knowledge, understanding, or skills or those of other students is considered an irregularity which may result in a suitable penalty.

The following applies (irrelevant to the finding of fact): whether or not the irregularity is the consequence of a deliberate choice of the learner, whether or not the irregularity has led to an unfair advantage for the parties concerned, and whether or not the learner decided to stop the behaviour that can be considered as an irregularity.

Instructions and Guidelines

All guidelines, instructions and processes regarding the examination are described in the VHLS Examination Guidelines.

The VHLS General Examination Conditions apply to all Van Haren Learning Solutions exams.